Customer Experience: are we measuring the right metrics?

7 de October de 2021

It is no surprise that Customer Experience has become a priority in companies that aim to gain consumer loyalty. This strategy aims to offer the best customer experience, which can bring great returns, such as cost reduction, greater competitive advantage, among others.

Although it is clear what CX is and its importance, companies that adopt this strategy need to measure their efforts and understand if the results are according to plan. However, one of the most difficult tasks at this stage is deciding exactly what to measure.

In this scenario, there are many types of metrics available, which can end up generating more noise than intelligence. In any case, for you to be able to build an effective Customer Experience base, it is very important to measure the correct metrics, know how to interpret data and make decisions based on results.

What metrics are most used?

In CX there are some very relevant metrics, among them, we highlight the following:

NPS – Net Promoter Score

The NPS or Net Promoter Score, is a methodology that helps companies identify the level of consumer loyalty. Instead of asking if the customer is satisfied with the service or product offered, here the question is: How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?”. The responses are scalable, which can be, for example, between 0 and 10, resulting from detracting customers to potential promoters. In addition, it is possible to include more questions to complement the survey.

CES – Customer Effort Score

The CES or Customer Effort Score shows about the customer’s level of effort with the brand. In other words, it is a metric that measures how easy it is for a customer to do business with your company, in which only one question is asked, which can be: “How easy was it to solve your problem today?” The answers are also scalable, typically from 0 to 5, ranging from extremely easy to extremely difficult.

Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)

The CSAT or Customer Satisfaction Score identifies customer satisfaction with a service, product or relationship with the brand. The question usually used is: “How do you rate your experience today?” Answers are also created on scales, such as 1 to 7, where 1 represents the worst experience and 7, the best.

Churn Rate

The Churn Rate displays the rate of people who stopped doing business with your company. That is, this metric indicates the percentage of abandonments registered in the base during a certain period of time, such as customers who stopped buying or canceled some type of subscription.

To reach the result, you must:

  • Choose a period;
  • Check how many customers your company had at the beginning (X);
  • Check how many customers you had at the end (Y).

The formula is: (X-Y)/X.

Example: At the beginning of the month your company had 100 customers, and at the end of the month you realized it had only 80. This way, the formula would be: (100-80) / 100 = 0,2. In this case, the Churn Rate is 20%.

Each of these metrics we’ve highlighted can be used to understand different aspects, such as why, how and when customers are less engaged.

Why aren’t they working?

Having metrics is only part of the way. As already mentioned, it is essential to decide exactly what you should measure and to know how to interpret the collected data. If the measurements are not working, be aware of these aspects – which may be the reason for the lack of success in your measurement:

Wrong focus on using metrics: Ideally, the Customer Experience metrics are aligned with the KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) of your core business;

Too much information generated and little view of all the data: It is important to have tools that integrate all points of contact to facilitate visualization;

Use of metrics to validate actions at different stages: the measurement of metrics must be carried out according to each stage of the campaigns. For example, a company cannot use pre-sales metrics to guide some post-sales action.

How to change this situation?

To change this situation, you must follow three steps:

  • Analysis;
  • Understand;
  • Make the decision.

If you are having difficulty measuring or if the results are not going as expected, review your strategy. First, it is essential that you define the Customer Experience metrics according to your company’s objective and think of questions that will really help you in your next actions. It is not necessary to track information that will not be valid for your business. Choose the right metrics to reduce noise and you’ll get a more valuable interpretation of what’s going on.

Another key point in this scenario is to rely on existing technologies in the current market, such as Omnichannel platforms, which integrate all surveys in a single location, facilitating the visualization of all the information generated for a more assertive, optimized and agile conclusion.

And finally, of course, make decisions. Don’t just stay with the measurements. Create improvement actions to increasingly provide the best experience for your customer.

If you are looking for positive results in your Customer Experience strategy, it is essential to understand your customer’s behavior. Right now, satisfaction surveys and measurements done in the right way can help you build a personalized and efficient journey to conquer and retain your audience.

We hope this article has helped you understand which metrics are important thinking about Customer Experience and how to measure them. For more articles about Customer Experience, please continue browsing through our blog.


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